
Friday, December 31, 2010

Word of the Day "One"

Tomorrow's random word of the day is "Life"

Life. noun.
    1. The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
    2. The characteristic state or condition of a living organism.

Thanks for your comments and interest in this project!  After today I will post the next random word of the day at the bottom of my daily posts so be sure to check back any day you wish to participate!  If it sounds confusing I swear after a day or two you'll see exactly what this project is all about.

You can choose to participate every once and a while when a word inspires you or every day.  Its all in fun!  If you do participate please post this button at the bottom of your post and either link up (if there's a Linky) or leave a comment so I can see your interpretation of the word of the day!

<div align="center"><a href="" title="365 Words through Photos"><img src="" alt="365 Words through Photos" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Ready.... Set....

A 365 Project is one heck of a commitment, but I think I am ready to take it on!  If you aren't familiar with what one is, basically it is a project where you post something every day.  The project could have a theme or be eclectic and random.  My project has two parts to it:  Random words and photos. 

How it works...
Every day I will randomly generate a word using a word generator online and then whatever that word may be I will use it to inspire or incorporate it in my photography.  Whatever photo I take inspired by that word is what I will share on here.  

One word.  One photo.  Every day.  

Seems simple, right?
I can't promise great photographic masterpieces every single day, but I do hope I can keep the promise to myself and those of you that choose to follow my project that I will share 365 photos inspired by random words between now and December 31st.  What you will see is obscurity, a bit more into my surroundings, and creativity.  

Would you like to participate?
If this sounds fun to you, even if its just for fun and not your own 365 challenge, then let me know and I will generate "tomorrow's word" today so you can see it and spur your own photographic creativity!