
Saturday, January 15, 2011


South noun.
  1. The direction along a meridian 90° clockwise from east; the direction to the right of sunrise.
  2. The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 180° clockwise from due north and directly opposite north.
  3. An area or region lying in the south.

South, the direction the chilly winter wind is not pointing lately. 

Tomorrow's randomly generated word is: fluid


  1. Ha! So THAT's why you were looking for a weather vein.

  2. This is so pretty! I wasn't familiar with your 365 Words Through Photos project - until your post today. So I went back to check out the previous 14. Whew! I'm glad I discovered it when I did - can you imagine if I'd found out about it in...say...July?! That would have been a lot of archives to look back on!


  3. I found your project through PW. I love the idea of this and wish I had what it takes to publicly commit to such an undertaking. Your photos are wonderful and I have you on my toolbar to check on every morning. Very inspiring photography.

  4. So, it is revealed! I'm two days behind because my special guy has been in the hospital, but will post in the a.m... This is such a fun project, you all should join in -- even if just once a week!

  5. Here's my south direction photo.
